Are you vowing to follow the 3PL industry more closely or expand your knowledge of the logistics industry in the new year? The third-party logistics industry is complex, especially for small business owners without prior storage or shipping experience. One of the best ways to stay on top of evolving trends and learn more about the industry is to read 3PL blogs.
We want to help you find answers to your questions and make smart logistic decisions on behalf of your company, so we compiled this list of the best 3PL blogs. These are blogs that anyone involved in this industry should follow. They are listed in random order, so browse the full list to find blogs that will help you stay better informed.
- Logistics Viewpoints. This blog talks about industry trends and discusses eCommerce solutions to help you stay up to date with the latest tools. The case studies and posts about specific businesses are particularly helpful.
- Supply Demand Chain. This blog is very comprehensive and covers topics that address issues you will encounter at different stages of the supply chain. Reading this blog is a good way to learn about influential players in this industry and you will find a good selection of industry-specific posts that address issues you won’t be able to read about on blogs with a more general approach.
- Multi Channel Merchant. This is a very tech-oriented blog but the articles are accessible and will help you get a better idea of the new software and technologies that are shaping the fulfillment industry.
- LeanCor Blog. This is the perfect place to read about how the latest trends in the industry are influencing best practices. The information is very practical and will give you a helpful insight into best practices and how the latest industry trends should shape the way you do things.
- CPG Logistics. This is a blog written by an industry professional for industry professionals. A lot of the posts discuss concrete issues and provide you with tips on relevant problems, such as managing your costs.
- Food Logistics. Most blogs about fulfillment and logistics focus on topics and issues that are common to every business. However, handling specific products like food products means some of the challenges you encounter are not shared by other industries.
- Women And Logistics. This is an interesting blog because it looks at the world of logistics and fulfillment from the point of view of women. This is a must-read if you need some career advice or are curious about what working in this industry is like for women.
- Supply Chain Brain’s Think Tank. Supply Chain Brain is a must-read publication if you work in logistics or fulfillment. The Think Tank blog is a collection of articles written by experts who share their thoughts on the latest trends.
- Logistics Of Logistics. If you have time to read only one blog, this is the one you should check. This blog covers absolutely every aspect of the industry and will provide you with some very helpful insight.
- 3PL Wire: Follow “Swizstick” and “Splatty” into the world of supply chain management and logistics. This blog is maintained by two professionals with more than 20 years of industry experience, and they provide information of interest to all professionals in the logistics field.
- The Quiet Logistics Blog: This blog is centered on third-party logistics for e-commerce businesses. It is written and maintained by professionals with a lot of industry experience, and all of the information is geared towards making 3PL for e-commerce more understandable. If your online business is booming and you want to work with a 3PL to better serve your customers, this is a good place to find information.
- The Transportfolio Blog: This blog is maintained by one of the largest 3PL providers in the transportation industry today, but you don’t have to use their services to benefit from the information presented. They are good for market updates and discussions of regulations that impact the transportation industry.
- The Logistics Management Blog: Get in-depth information regarding all aspects of the logistics market, including a lot of information regarding 3PLs. The blog is maintained by Logistics Management magazine, which is published by Peerless Media LLC. If you want your information fine tuned to the 3PL market, look at the posts appearing on their 3PL Critical Topics page. This information is updated frequently and is much like a 3PL-focused blog.
- The Supply Chain Management Review Blog: Published by Peerless Media LLC, the Supply Chain Management Review is a print journal designed to inform all professionals involved in the supply chain business. The blog features many posts related to the third-party logistics industry, so you don’t have to subscribe to the blog to learn more about 3PL or logistics in general.
- The Trinity Logistics Blog: Learn about the transportation industry from the perspective of an established 3PL provider. This blog uses a friendly tone and breaks many complex issues down into terms that are easily understood. It’s a great resource for anyone interested in working with a third-party logistics provider for the transportation of goods, especially those just entering the market and searching for entry-level information.
- The BCR Blog: The information in this blog comes from an Australia perspective and is provided by an active 3PL service provider. If you’re interested in keeping up with regulation changes and trends from around the world or in Australia specifically, this is a great blog to follow.
- Blogistics: This is the blog of ODW Logistics, a full-service 3PL provider. Not every business is a good fit with their services, but their blog remains an excellent place to find information relevant to the third-party logistics industry. They also post a lot of information regarding the operations of their award-winning company, so it’s a good source of information if you’re considering them as a 3PL provider for your business.
- The Blog: This is the blog you’re reading right now, and it’s always a reliable source of trustworthy information. If you ever have questions that aren’t answered through this blog or our website, feel free to contact us. We are always willing to help business owners maneuver the complicated logistics industry.